financial planning and analysis


Get answers to your general questions about our services and products. For more queries feel free to contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is your company affiliated with governing bodies?

Being an independent credit rating organization, we don’t require affiliations with governing authorities.

How can we use the rating?

The rating can be applied in a variety of ways, including marketing to improve the company’s reputation, business analysis to aid in decision-making, and financial analysis for capital restructuring.

Why do we need to get the rating? What is the importance?

You need a rating based on your company’s current needs; if you want to grow internationally, it will boost your reputation; if you need to brand yourself, you can use the rating in your marketing materials; and if you need to raise capital, it will let investors and banks know how creditworthy you are.

We have credit bureau why do we need your rating?

We differ from credit bureaus in that, whereas credit bureaus evaluate transaction histories, our credit reports also analyze past, present, and future financial performance of businesses.

How much is the charges for the rating?

The price is determined by the business’s yearly turnover amount.

Is your company credible enough to rate us?

We are a global credit agency with a team that collectively has 25 years of financial industry experience

Where are you located? Is your rating can be use in our country?

We have offices in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, New Zealand, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Our rating is applicable everywhere.

Do you give loans and funding?

No, we don’t offer funding or loans. However, our credit rating report may help any company in obtaining funding or investors.

Why do we need to get a rating from your company?

We are a global credit rating organization that provides ratings to all business categories, including SMEs, along with comprehensive reports at affordable prices.

What are the services you provided?

We provide Credit rating report & certificate and credit recommendation.

What is a credit rating report?

A descriptive analysis of a company’s financial performance and business profile based on past, present, and future business prospects. This includes a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis of the business using different credit analysis techniques.

What is a credit rating certificate?

A document that showcases the credit worthiness of a company in terms of a rating category. By utilizing the rating certificate, a corporation can gain better international recognition, enhance brand value and better market presence.

What is a credit recommendation?

A transaction review done by ICRA that gives an overview to a lender or supplier showing detailed justification whether they should participate in a particular transaction that helps them have better decision making and have less bad debts.